
Updated Info-How to get free VMware Eval Licenses

Greetings VMware Techies, We often get into the situation where we need to apply VMware licenses to test VMware products. And most of them are not aware that, VMware provides 60 days trial period for most of the products. For, VMware vCenter Server & ESXi gets the default trial period as soon as you install…

VPS Server

Need virtual private server for an application development…?POC environment…?Need Memory and high-performance SSD Storage…?Website hosting…?Costly to manage hardware, power and maintenance for your physical infrastructure to host your applications…?Lab env for small POC’s…?VPS server for hosting VPN or Gaming server…? You are at the right place. We have been delivering high performance virtual private servers…

NSX-T Upgrade from v3.2.2 to v4.1 Failed – Connection between host 473cc672-2417-4a97-b440-38ab53135d02 and NSX Controller is UNKNOWN.

Got following error while upgrading NSX from v3.2.2 to v4.1. Pre-upgrade checks failed for HOST: Connection between host 473cc672-2417-4a97-b440-38ab53135d02 and NSX Controller is UNKNOWN. Response : [Lcom.vmware.nsxapi.fabricnode.dto.ControlConnStatusDto;@edbaf5b Connection between host 473cc672-2417-4a97-b440-38ab53135d02 and NSX Manager is UNKNOWN. Please restore connection before continuing. Response : Client has not responded to heartbeats yet We only have 3 hosts…

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